Phyllome[1] OS is an operating system that makes it easier to run various operating systems locally using off-the-shelf hardware and virtualization technologies.
In this wiki, you will find guides about how to install and use Phyllome OS, as well as information on the underlying technologies, Phyllome OS itself and the surrounding project.
Phyllome OS is in its alpha stage of development. Expect bugs and disappointment
If you wish to download the content of this wiki locally, feel free to clone this repository
How to install Phyllome OS
How to deploy your favorite operating systems inside Phyllome OS
Go further with Phyllome OS
Information about related technologies
The website:
This wiki:
The issue board:
The forge:
According to the Wiktionary, Phyllome refers to the "foliar part of a plant; any organ homologous with a leaf, or [any organ] produced by metamorphosis of a leaf" ↩︎